24; Communications Specialist at Sylvamo; Volunteer for MIFA Meals on Wheels and Clean Memphis 

Photo by Brooke Simpson 

I LOVE RUNNING: Running makes me feel physically and mentally tough. Long-distance running gets you used to being uncomfortable, translating into every facet of life! 

BUCKET LIST: New York City marathon — it would be amazing! 

UP NEXT: I’m training for the St. Jude Marathon, but leading up to that, I will be running in various races in the M-town series. I am super excited to zoom through the zoo! 

FAVORITE FITNESS ACCOMPLISHMENT: Finishing a half-marathon in under two hours. Any time I finish a run, it gives me a high! Just knowing your body/mind did that and survived is amazing. I love to continue to surprise myself with what my body can handle! 

HOMETOWN: Memphis 

SPEED BUMPS: I grew up playing soccer, but when that ended, reality hit fast! I fell into a slump without a coach dictating my every workout. I realized I was the only one who could prioritize my health, and I have not stopped exercising since! 

FAVORITE JAMS: I thought about this and tried to think of a cool answer, but my answer must be Taylor Swift. 

RECENT RACES: St. Jude Half Marathon 2023 was my first half marathon, and I came in at 2:04, which I was proud of! More recently, I completed the Cambell Clinic Collection that contained six races (5K, 10K, 15K, Half) that led up to the Germantown Half Marathon. I finished the Germantown Half Marathon in just under two hours, which was a huge accomplishment for me! I placed third in the women’s 20-24 age group and received a medal. 

MOST MEMORABLE FITNESS EVENT: St. Jude Marathon weekend! 

BEST EATS: Anything and everything from Ecco in Overton Park — the sausage orecchiette with a glass of Pinot noir! 

GO-TO GEAR: My electronic massage gun! It helps decrease any muscle pain and tension. 

DREAM DINNER COMPANY: Taylor Swift. The tea would be amazing, and I need to hear all about the ins and outs of her time spent in the spotlight. 

INSPIRATION TO BE FIT: I want to live a long, happy life and experience all the joy life offers! But I also love how it feels to finish a workout. Running is a great way to work out both my body and mind. 

ON MY NIGHTSTAND: “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah! I love historical fiction. 

QUOTE: Half the battle is just showing up. Find a way to get yourself to the gym! As soon as you start moving, you will feel better.