The Empathetic Coach • Trainer/Coach

Little Rock native Christian Young moved to Memphis in 2020 and recently became a married man. A longtime athlete and sports aficionado, Christian was lovingly nicknamed “Boogie” by his uncle because of his inability to stay still as a child. Christian is living up to that nickname as a trainer at Versatile Action Fitness and a strength and conditioning coach at P7 Sports Academy, where he considers the gym almost like an adult playroom with all the weights as toys. 

Christian connects with his clients on a deeper level due to his own unique experiences. A recovered opiate addict, Christian was in active addiction for ten years and admits that he did not take care of himself during that time. That is why today, Christian takes time to care for himself, because he remembers all too well those times when he wasn’t able to and didn’t care to. 

He can relate to anyone struggling to change but doesn’t know how and believes that sets him apart from others as a coach. It’s hard to teach someone how to change, especially if you have never had to change yourself. However, those who have been through it can relate on a deeper level. 

Through his work as a trainer and coach, Christian’s goal is to help people become the best version of themselves physically, which gives most of his clients an extra boost of self-esteem. However, he always wants to emphasize that exercise does more than make you look good. It makes you feel good mentally, too. That’s what he found in exercise, which he hopes to share with his clients. 

In the next five years, Christian would like to open a gym where he can continue serving clients in his empathetic, approachable manner shaped by his own experience. He also hopes to complete an IRONMAN and start a family with his new wife. 

By Lucy Modzelewski 

Photo by Avery Amstutz 

Memphis Health + Fitness Magazine is proud to spotlight rising stars in the 901 fitness and wellness community in our inaugural 20 Under 40 issue. We received many amazing applications and handpicked a variety of individuals from different backgrounds and areas of expertise to showcase some of the best and brightest up-and-comers in our industry. We’re excited to present you with the honorees for the Memphis Health + Fitness 20 Under 40 Issue!