36, Private Practice Owner and Licensed Mental Health Therapist at My Memphis Therapist Counseling and Consulting, LLC

All about the Burtons: 

My husband Brad and I have been married for almost 12 years. We have two boys, Ethan and Brooks. We also have a spoiled rotten dog, Riley, who really is our first child. Both boys love to be outside, and we all enjoy hiking together whenever we get the chance. 

Motherhood rewards & challenges: 

My favorite part of motherhood is being fully present with my kids while they explore and try new things. I also love being their biggest cheerleader – being their designated hype person is my jam. The biggest challenge has been finding balance. I figured out a few years ago that taking care of myself, even though it may feel selfish at times, ultimately makes me a better mother and wife and makes the balancing act feel a little less daunting. 

Balancing motherhood & fitness: 

As a mental health therapist, I know that moving your body is closely linked with the fitness of your mind, and the benefits go way beyond your physical health. While it can be a challenge to get in a workout some days, knowing I will feel less stressed and anxious after the workout motivates me to make it happen. 

How I stay active: 

During the pandemic, I started running outside again and set up a home gym in my backyard. I discovered it was much easier and less time-consuming to walk out in my backyard and get a quick 30 minutes in with a guided app. Three years later, I am still using the Peloton app for guided runs and strength training, all from the comfort of my home. I also really enjoy going to hot cycle and hot barre at Hotworx. Professionally, I also incorporate “walk and talk” therapy sessions with some of my clients as the bilateral movement while processing encourages psychological movement – it’s a win-win! 

My fitness goals: 

I want to devote some time this year to getting into tennis with some private lessons and clinics. I would love to play in some local matches at some point. I would also love to run a Disney half marathon one day – bucket list! 

The importance of prioritizing wellness: 

Movement has always been a part of my life. I’ve learned that moving my body is much more than a physical piece of my life; it helps manage my anxiety symptoms. I also love showing my boys that their momma can keep up with them and is strong – it’s empowering. Showing them and other moms that you can run your own business, be a great mom, and make time for yourself and fitness is a driving force in my goals. 

My advice for new mothers: 

Nothing can prepare you for the transition to motherhood, but prioritizing time for yourself can make all the difference in your recovery and physical and mental health. While I know, it’s much harder than it sounds, taking just 10 minutes a day to move your body as a new mom has many benefits. Whether you can incorporate 50 minutes or five, meet yourself where you’re at and try not to compare your workouts to your pre-baby phase of life because nothing about it is the same anymore, and that’s beautiful! 

By Lucy Modzelewski

Photo by Laramie Wheeler