29; Pilates instructor for over 5 years; instructs at Dose Pilates

Gina Gomez was always active and enjoyed hiking and running. After college, recognizing her fitness was not at the level it once was, Gina joined a friend for her first Inferno Hot Pilates class. The high-intensity, low-impact class left her feeling challenged mentally and physically, and she immediately was hooked on the dynamic full-body workout. “I became a regular at the studio. Practicing Pilates improved my muscular strength and transformed my body after just a few months,” she says. A year later, Gina decided to take her practice to the next level when Gabriella Walters, the founder of Inferno Hot Pilates, brought her training to Memphis. 

Gina received Level 1 certification training through a combination of lectures, active participation, and observation. This training covered basic Pilates principles and explained exercises, alignment, and poses. The following year, Gina received Level 2 Pilates certification with Gabriella, incorporating weights and resistance bands. 

Gina now teaches at Dose Hot Pilates & Yoga, where she enjoys cultivating a fun, upbeat class and fostering relationships with her students. Dose Hot Pilates classes are in a 95-degree room and are floor-based. They are full-body, low-impact, and high-intensity, rooted in Pilates principles. “A typical class with me is a party! Beginners can feel comfortable with my gentle approach, and advanced students will love challenging their bodies in compound sequences,” Gina says. Whether it comes from a new student or a long-time Pilates connoisseur, Gina loves hearing big and small wins from her students and watching them grow stronger and more confident. Gina even takes song requests from her students to curate the perfect playlist for class. “I believe a good workout alongside a great playlist can be the best medicine when you are having a bad day,” she says. Dose students can also look forward to cold lavender towels for cool-down at the end of each Hot Pilates class.

Like Gina, Dose member Brittany Hudson joined the Dose community because of the warmth and hospitality she felt from the instructors and students. “Gina exudes such positive energy. I always leave her class feeling better than when I came,” Brittany says. 

Outside the studio, Gina is a marketing professional with an MBA and certification in project management. She stays involved in the Memphis community through her fitness endeavors, co-founding a young adult ministry at her church, and endorsing Memphis restaurants like Babalu, City Silo, and Red Koi as a self-proclaimed local foodie. 

Gina hopes to continue becoming the best version of herself and spreading a message of self-love. “I want to remind my students that they don’t have to wait until they reach their ideal body image to love their bodies. Their true beauty is the light that lies inside of them. This is why I tell my students to share their light with the world at the end of every class!” 

Check out Gina’s schedule at Dose on their website Dosepilatesyoga.com