28; Marketing Director at Packed House Productions; Ambassador for Greater Memphis Chamber; Heroes Local Ambassador for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Visionary Ambassador for Memphis River Parks Partnership

I LOVE RUNNING: I love running because the end result is entirely dependent on what you put in. As much as I love team sports, there are no excuses in running if you don’t get the job done or if you don’t achieve your desired time because it’s completely up to you. I also enjoy the meditational aspect of it. Being on a run is one of the few moments I have where I can collect myself and get in the zone. My favorite route is across the Big River Crossing and along the Mississippi riverfront. I’m pumped for the redesign of Tom Lee Park and believe it will inspire even more people to come to the river to run, walk, and play.

GO-TO GEAR: The newest and fastest Nike shoes on the market!

FAVORITE MEMORY: Setting a PR in the 2021 St. Jude Marathon and raising almost $27,000 for St. Jude was incredible. While the conditions starting out were about 20º warmer than I would’ve preferred, I gave it all on the course and really picked it up over the last few miles. I picked people out that were ahead of me and once I passed them I would set my sights on the next person. I loved the final turn when you just turn on the jets, block everything else out, and exhaust everything you have to gun it for the finish.

BEST EATS: I’m a foodie so fried Buffalo chicken sliders w/ lettuce wraps from Slider Inn (can’t forget the Jameson Slushie), spicy pad Thai from The Nine, the wings at Good Fortune Co., anything from Rizzo’s By Michael Patrick, and the Caesar salad or Amazing Island Club from Bardog Tavern.

MY GROUP: I’m normally a solo runner, but I recently joined HIGHER Memphis workout studio and have been loving the weekly group Run class.

PET PEEVE: When people find excuses not to be the best version of themselves. There’s always going to be a million reasons why you don’t have to do something – being disciplined means finding just one reason to do it, then running with it.

UP NEXT: The 2022 St. Jude Marathon!

INSPIRATION: We’ve only got one life to live, and I want to feel my best for as long as I can. I know that I feel at my peak when I’m challenging myself physically. It just feels natural.

DREAM DINNER COMPANY: Martin Luther King, Jr. – his impact on the world has been so widespread, and it all started right here in Memphis. I would want to pick his brain on the divisiveness we see all around us and help find solutions to the problems in today’s society.

BUCKET LIST: A sub-3 hour marathon would be crazy. I know I’ll have to train hard to make that happen.

FAVORITE FITNESS ACCOMPLISHMENT: My first St. Jude Marathon (in 2018) was big because it was my first time attempting 26.2 – a couple of 5Ks were the only other competitive runs I had participated in up until that point. I collapsed after the finish line!

Photo by Sam Sikes