Ehizele Osehobo, 32
& Michaela Osehobo, 29

Michaela is a mental health therapist and yoga teacher at Hot Yoga Plus, and Ehizele is a neurologist at Semmes Murphey Clinic. Their paths first crossed at a mutual friend’s high school graduation party, but according to Ehizele, he has no memory of that first meeting. When Michaela saw him again later in college, she reintroduced herself, and Ehizele made a point never to forget her again. The Osehobos have been together for 11 years and married for five, and though they are self-proclaimed homebodies, they enjoy venturing out from time to time to find good restaurants.

Ehizele started lifting weights in college for aesthetic reasons. During his journey to become a doctor, he learned about the body’s biochemical pathways, and now his specialty focuses on the prevention and emergent treatment of strokes and brain bleeds.

Michaela danced and performed in color guard through college. She decided to pursue a psychology degree in college, and while getting her master’s in counseling education, she found a passion for yoga and the mind-body connection. As a couple, the Osehobos used to run and go to the gym together frequently, but lately, they have been more keen to fit in a Pilates or yoga practice together at home.

Ehizele recognizes that staying fit and healthy is all about accountability. Because Michaela teaches and practices yoga daily, Ezhizele is inspired by her to find time to be active even after a long day at the hospital. Meanwhile, Ehizele helps Michaela remember to diversify her movements and mix in some cardio and strength training outside of her yoga practice.

Overall, Ehizele admires Michaela’s ability to connect with people. “The students she teaches, her therapy clients…everyone who meets her loves her,” he says. Michaela, on the other hand, admires Ehizele’s balance of tenacity and humor. “He is the most hard-working, organized, thorough, hilarious person I know!”

Physically, Ehizile was proud to be able to do 20 pull-ups straight a few years ago. But overall, his proudest accomplishment is enhancing the health of his patients as a neurosurgeon. Michaela is pleased to have completed 365 days of yoga in 2021 and 366 in 2024, reminding her of her physical and mental strength even during a challenge.

The Osehobos preach consistency and have found it beneficial to each of their fitness journeys. “Doing 15 minutes of something each day is better than doing an hour of work occasionally,” they reflect. As for their future goals, Ehizele looks forward to getting back into running, and Michaela is practicing holding a handstand without a wall nearby. Michaela also plans to launch a YouTube channel focused on yoga, Pilates, and mental health this year. In the meantime, you can catch Michaela teaching at Hot Yoga Plus and follow her on Instagram at @MickeytheYogi.