Frank Fournier, 49
& Amber Fournier, 46

Frank and Amber were college cheerleaders at the University of Detroit, Mercy. While Amber was not on the market when she and Frank first met, he was patient and swooped in as soon as she was single! They have been together for over 26 years and are each other’s cheerleaders, fitness companions, and parents to two rambunctious adopted dogs. Frank is an engagement director for a local IT staffing company, and Amber is an architect and owner of a local architecture firm. The couple also loves traveling to races in their free time — a long weekend in Arkansas for the Sylamore 25/50k, a Labor Day triathlon in Detroit, and the NYC Marathon are among their favorites.

Frank and Amber stayed in great shape during college cheerleading and wanted to maintain their fitness after graduating. They joined a gym, signed up for 5K races, and tried anything that sounded fun! Now, the Fourniers are triathletes and marathoners, each of whom has run three Boston Qualifiers in the last two years. Frank and Amber like to swim with their group at the Jewish Community Center, ride with cycling buddies, and run almost all their long runs together to train for their many races. “We’re always together. We’re insufferable!” the Fourniers joke.

Frank respects Amber’s organization, saying, “She has every workout for the month on her calendar before the previous month has ended, stays devoted to her plan, and hits her workouts.” Her organization has made him more serious, and he credits her influence with how much faster he is in his 40s than in his 30s.

Amber praises Frank for his hilarity and his creative sense of fun. “No matter where we are or what we are doing, he is cracking a joke or thinking up some kind of activity to increase our enjoyment in even a mundane task.”

Frank’s goal is simple: he wants to continue to surprise people by his age, which seemingly contradicts his youthful and fit appearance. He hopes that his fit appearance encourages people to pursue fitness. “I don’t think people are really all that impressed with age group awards or marathon times,” he says, “but when you seem like you have the fountain of youth, I think that’s inspiring.

Amber reflects on the importance of trying new activities, even if they are not immediately interesting. She thought she was not interested in distance swimming or road biking, but has now finished all three Ironman 70.3 races hosted in Memphis!