31; Account Executive at Johnson & Johnson; Volunteer at First Baptist Day School 

I LOVE RUNNING: Running is the ultimate stress reliever. Sometimes it’s the endorphins, but other times you hurt so much you can’t worry about anything else! 

BUCKET LIST: I’d love to complete a 100-mile ultra marathon. 

UP NEXT: Walking Tall 25K, MAMBA 50K, and St. Jude Marathon 

FAVE FITNESS ACCOMPLISHMENT: Back in the glory days, running for Roanoke College, I ran a 4:17 mile! 

HOMETOWN: Germantown 

SPEED BUMPS: Every year that passes, my recovery between workouts gets a little longer. I’ve learned to appreciate rest days and easy runs. 

MY GROUP: I play in an adult soccer league with the Greater Memphis Soccer Association and ride my bike with the Memphis Hightailers. 

FAVORITE JAMS: I like to unplug during workouts, so I usually leave the music behind. 

RECENT RACES: I placed first at the High Cotton Beer Mile and third at the 2023 Swamp Stomper 25k. 

MOST MEMORABLE FITNESS EVENT: Running the Tennessee RAGNAR. It’s a team relay event where you run a point-to-point race with a team of friends. We ran from Chattanooga to Nashville all day and night. 

BINGE-WATCHING: “Succession” on HBO 

BEST EATS: Southern Social and their blackened shrimp pasta! 

DREAM DINNER COMPANY: Will Ferrell. He’s got to be one of the funniest humans alive. 

GO-TO GEAR: I’m a huge fan of HOKA running shoes. Since discovering them a few years ago, it’s all that I buy. The extra cushion has really helped my joints stay healthy. 

INSPIRATION TO BE FIT: I will run for beer. 

ON MY NIGHTSTAND: “Blood and Treasure: Daniel Boone and the Fight for America’s First Frontier” by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin. I’m a history nerd! 

PET PEEVE: When you pass someone on a run, and they try to speed up so you can’t get around them. 

FAV INDULGENCE: Nothing tastes better than a cold beer after a hot, sweaty run! 

QUOTE: “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – unknown 

Photo by Tindall Stephens