With Keturah Shelton’s decade of experience working in hospitals (and alongside) as a massage therapist for 15 years, she brings a new skill to the massage table — manual lymphatic drainage — a gentle form that stimulates the body to naturally detoxify excess fluids for overall health. 

Keturah uses the Vodder technique, invented by an alternative medicine doctor in the 1930s, to help clients suffering from chronic colds, sinuses, congested lymph glands, and lymphedema. 

Lymphedema is when an individual’s face, arms, legs, or feet swell to uncomfortable levels due to weakened immunity. 

The lymphatic system is comprised of our lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils, bowel, bone marrow, and mucous membranes, and works by transporting white blood cells used to fight infection through the blood. 

As toxins accumulate in fatty tissues and the circulatory system, the body naturally collects and moves these through the lymphatic system ducts, which our body transports and drains through urination. 

However, this process can be slowed, hampered, or disrupted for many reasons. Surgeries, childbirth, injuries, or even high sodium dietary choices can lead to swelling in the body and toxin buildup. 

With lymphatic drainage massage, therapists can manually move that toxin buildup through the body by directing it toward the lymph nodes, encouraging its natural release. The primary nodes Keturah’s work focuses on are the Subclavian areas, cervical nodes (both sides of the neck), axillary, and inguinal. 

Her 45-minute sessions address the abdomen, back, arms, face, legs, knees, or feet, depending on which part of the body needs maneuvering. 

Lymphatic work is for anyone at any age who can benefit from this body boost, including bodybuilders, athletes, and other healthy professionals wanting to rid themselves of any impurities. 

For post-op therapy care, Keturah recommends hydrating, eating leafy greens, protein, and taking it easy, as the massage can leave you feeling a bit light-headed. 

The entire service is done by hand. She begins with a gentle touch to wake up the focus area(s) before moving her hands in stationary circles and lightly pumping and pressing using the effleurage method stroke. The massage, a special technique, is done with gentle accuracy that aims not to stress the areas but rather encourage their natural movement. 

Anyone can benefit from a lymphatic drainage massage, an excellent addition to self-care. 

Regularly assisting our lymphatic system can boost its function and keep our immune systems healthy and working optimally. 

For maintenance, she recommends one to three sessions per week at her office in Cordova. 

“I feel like I was called to do massage therapy.” 

Keturah’s services tend to book quickly, so give yourself ample time to schedule yours. 


IG: @mycallingtherapyservices 

By Shlomit Ovadia